County judge breaks tie over Cannabis-related businesses

County judge breaks tie over Cannabis-related businesses

Judge Executive David Westerfield Bans Cannabis Business Operations in Laurel County.

Due to multiple tied votes on Monday morning, Judge Executive David Westerfield (standing) ultimately made the call to prohibit cannabis business operations in the county.

There won’t be any cannabis-related businesses operating in the county — at least for now.

Laurel County Fiscal Court met Monday morning for a special-called meeting in which the members revisited the issue of how cannabis operations will be handled within Laurel County.

Magistrates had the option to take no action, approve a resolution authorizing a referendum to determine whether cannabis operations may occur in Laurel County by providing citizens with the chance to vote on the November ballot, or conduct the first reading of Ordinance #460.0 — an ordinance relating to the prohibition of cannabis business operations within the county.

Magistrate Bobby Overbay made a motion to approve the resolution authorizing a referendum, which resulted in a tie vote. Those against included Danny Smith, Jeff Book, and Richard Bales. Those in favor included John Crawford, Billy Oakley, and Overbay.

Book then made a motion to perform the first reading of Ordinance #460.0 — receiving the support of Bales and Smith, but not Crawford, Oakley, and Overbay.

Overbay chose to explain to the others as to why he cast the vote he did, stating, “In my opinion, seven of us here shouldn’t make the decision. There’s 63,000 people in this county,” meaning that he believes the citizens of Laurel County should have a say concerning the matter.

Following the votes, Judge Executive David Westerfield stated, “It looks like the vote’s tied again, but I am going to vote ‘yes’ in favor of the ordinance to prohibit cannabis business in the county of Laurel.”

He then requested a motion for adjournment, bringing the meeting to a close.

However, once London City Council met the same evening, all members came to an agreement to give London citizens a choice on November’s ballot, making the city of London exempt from the decision made by Laurel Fiscal Court. Mayor Randall Weddle intends to provide citizens with as much information as possible before the time to vote comes, in an effort to have voters make an educated choice concerning the matter.

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