State Cannabis Control Board Approves Regulations For Growing Cannabis At Home

The State Cannabis Control Board has approved at-home regulations for growing cannabis.
These proposed regulations are now advancing to a 60-day public comment period and do not give everyone the green light to grow yet.
These proposed regulations for New Yorkers over 21 include authorization to:
– Cultivate a maximum of three mature and three immature cannabis plants per person; or
– Cultivate no more than six mature plants and six immature plants per household;
– Possess up to five pounds of cannabis flower that has been trimmed from plants grown on the property; or the equivalent weight in cannabis concentrate; or a mixture of both cannabis flower and concentrate
The safety regulations for growing weed at home for adult use include:
– Store cannabis plants in a secure place that is out of view from the public, including the street outside the household
– Store cannabis to prevent theft, loss, or access to residents under the age of 21
– Only have one site for personal adult-use growing if you have multiple properties in New York
– Remedy odor issues if they become a nuisance to neighbors–the OCM will work with cities and towns across New York to offer support and guidance on this subject
The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) may change them based on feedback and then have a 45-day public comment or present the regulations back to the CCB for final approval.