Another plan to legalize Recreational Marijuana in West Virginia is underway

Another plan to legalize Recreational Marijuana in West Virginia is underway

Another effort is underway to legalize recreational marijuana in West Virginia, but this time with a twist.

Money from marijuana sales would be used to prop up the state’s financially troubled health insurance program, PEIA.

There have been numerous efforts over the years to fix PEIA, but this may be the most creative.

State Sen. Mike Caputo (D-Marion) wants the West Virginia Legislature to legalize cannabis products for adult recreational use.

Senate Bill 585 would specify that half the money generated from marijuana sales would fund the troubled PEIA health plan for state employees.

Even though state workers have been getting 5% pay raises these past few years, increased payments in health insurance outpaced their salary hikes.

Three neighboring states — Ohio, Virginia and Maryland — have legalized recreational pot. Critics think it’s dangerous, but backers of the bill say West Virginia is losing money.

“I think it’s simple. We are in a PEIA crisis, everybody knows that. Nobody seems to want to put some money to offset the costs of state employees,” Caputo said.

“We already have one of the highest addiction rates in the country. We also have the highest overdose, and marijuana is absolutely an introductory drug. And it happens at a very young age with marijuana. And I don’t think West Virginia needs to add another avenue,” said State Sen. Eric Tarr, (R) Putnam & Finance Chairman.

If the legislature does not legalize recreational marijuana, then some lawmakers want to put a referendum on the November ballot, and let voters decide the issue.

As of Tuesday, 24 states have legalized pot for adult recreational use. The West Virginia bill has now been referred to the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee.

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