Rep. Greg Steube unveils bill to deport Prince Harry for alleged drug use

Rep. Greg Steube unveils bill to deport Prince Harry for alleged drug use

The SPARE Act targets “left-wing celebrities like Prince Harry” who allegedly lie about drug use.

Last week, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) introduced the Substance and Possession Abuse Restrictions for Entrance (SPARE) Act to ramp up enforcement of visa laws by permanently banning immigrants from the U.S. who are accused of lying about drug use.

And the alleged criminal who was specifically named in the bill? Prince Harry.

“The Biden administration deliberately refuses to enforce our country’s immigration laws at the Southern border, and it appears they may be obstructing the fair and equal enforcement of our visa laws as well. Left-wing celebrities like Prince Harry, who have a self-recorded history of illegal drug use, should be subjected to the same standards and enforcement of our country’s immigration laws as any other alien,” said Rep. Steube. 

In his book Spare, which the bill appears to be named after, Prince Harry admitted to experimenting with cocaine at age 17, but appeared to be a bit more into cannabis and psilocybin during his early years. (About 15% of Americans have tried cocaine at some point, and half of Americans have tried pot at some point.)

“I introduced the SPARE Act because individuals should be deported immediately if they are caught lying on their visa application. If the Executive Branch is granting waivers on the basis of drug usage to individuals who enter the U.S., that information should not be hidden from the public. We must ensure no one receives preferential treatment behind closed doors.”

The bill, H.R. 5178, is in the early stages and was most recently referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. Rep. Stuebe’s announcement reports that under U.S. law, visa applicants “who are found to be drug abusers or addicts are inadmissible” as well as non-citizens who admit to using controlled substances. 

The same Congressman is pushing to reschedule cannabis, at least for non-immigrants. Last January, Rep. Steube introduced the “Marijuana 1-to-3 Act” which he pushed in years prior.

The SPARE Act would require that within 60 days of receiving “credible information of an alien knowingly providing false information on controlled substance violations,” the DHS Secretary will be required to investigate the allegations, and if found true, deport those individuals. The bill  states anyone deported for this violation will be permanently barred from re-entering the country. In addition, any controlled substance violation waivers issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security may be subject to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Republican Push To Deport Prince Harry

Other conservative groups are also focused on getting Prince Harry deported.

Last March, the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in operation for over 50 years, called for the deportation of Prince Harry over his admissions to past drug use including pot and cocaine.

Prince Harry is living in the U.S. on a visa, and has no plans of seeking permanent U.S. residency or U.S. citizenship, despite being eligible. He quit the Royal Family and moved to California in January 2020.

In Prince Harry’s controversial autobiography Spare, which was published this past January, he revealed that he first snorted coke at age 17 and again on a few other occasions. He also toked up after his first date with Meghan Markle. 

“I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me,” Harry said. “I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains of the past.”

Prince Harry also detailed his adventures with shrooms, talking to the toilet and having strange visions. High Times has been following reports of his pot use since at least 2017.

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