Cannabis vendors celebrate 420 at New York Cannabis freedom festival

Cannabis vendors celebrate 420 at New York Cannabis freedom festival

Cannabis enthusiasts from all over the country gathered in Prospect Heights Thursday to celebrate 4/20 at the New York Cannabis Freedom Festival.

Organizers said this was the biggest the festival has ever been, as they marked the fifth year of the event.

There were more vendors this year since recreational cannabis was legalized in New York.

Vendors offered a wide range of products, including different types of cannabis products that customers could smoke, eat drink, or even use on their skin.

Many products also contain CBD.

Organizers said what made this festival different was their goal of educating people how to both support the cannabis industry and also get involved in it by taking the correct steps.

Vendors flew in from California and Florida, but some were local New York vendors who are just getting their start in the cannabis industry.

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