Mobile Cannabis dispensary coming to DFW advocating Texas' Medical Program


The dispensary will be rolling into Fort Worth Oct. 8 and Dallas Oct 10.

FORT WORTH - Some cannabis enthusiasts may want to roll up Oct. 8 as the mobile cannabis dispensary Goodblend will be holding a joint marijuana march and freedom festival to inform the public on the state's medical program. 

Goodblend, a subsidiary of Parallel, is one of three medical cannabis operators license to operate in Texas. The "Ride For Your Rights" CannaBus Tour, they say, is an effort to energize medical cannabis supporters in the state and educate those interested in getting a medical cannabis prescription and how the process works. 

There are more than 150 conditions currently approved to qualify someone as a Texas Compassionate Use Program patient. Goodblend provides a network of registered physicians for anyone to find a doctor in Texas near them who can prescribe medical cannabis.

“The medical cannabis program will never change unless Texans stand up and make it change,” Parallel CEO Reece Fulgham said in a statement. “The ‘Ride For Your Rights’ CannaBus Tour was designed to educate and galvanize support for expanding access to Texans in need. We hope the support rallied will convince Texas policymakers that there’s strong public demand for real, lasting change.”

The last bill passed in Texas regarding medical cannabis was House Bill 1535, which greatly expanded access by including those suffering from PTSD and all forms of cancer to the list of qualifying conditions. Millions more Texans can now qualify for TCUP, but fewer than 30,000 patients in the state are currently registered in the program.  

The 36-foot mobile dispensary includes a private consultation room and medical cannabis products on display, along with an outdoor education installation. 

They will be in Fort Worth Oct. 8 and in Dallas Oct. 10. The event is free to attend and will include merchandise giveaways.

Region: Nevada


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