Governor Beshear calls for expansion of Kentucky Medical Marijuana program

Kentucky Governor Proposes Expansion of Medical Marijuana Program with New Regulations and Qualifying Conditions.
Governor Andy Beshear announced on Thursday calls for expansion of the state's medical marijuana program, including new regulations, new qualifying conditions, and more.
In a news release, the governor says his team filed 10 new regulations that will cover how cannabis businesses, cultivators, dispensaries, and more will operate in the Commonwealth. Kentuckians can read the regulations and find out how to participate in the regulatory process by clicking here.
The governor's office also says the Board of Physicians and Advisors and the Team Kentucky Medical Cannabis Workgroup unanimously voted to recommend an expansion of the list of qualifying conditions to the General Assembly.
In addition, Gov. Beshear announced a partnership with Tyler Technologies and Metrc to help meet the requirements of the law and establish the medical cannabis electronic monitoring system as well as the patient/caregiver registry.
The release also made mention of additions to the program's executive team, including a director for licensure and access, a director of enforcement and compliance, and an education and outreach coordinator.
An online cannabis zoning tool was also created that will help cannabis businesses find locations where they can operate. Current law prohibits cannabis businesses from locating their businesses within 1,000 feet of a primary and secondary school or daycare. The law also allows for local governments to issue additional zoning restrictions.
The regulatory framework was created ahead of the full implementation of Senate Bill 47, which goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2025.