Retail Marijuana Shop closes after months of violation notices, fines, litigation

Woodland retail Marijuana Shop closes after months of violation notices, fines, litigation

A shop in Woodland that openly sold marijuana, despite violating a citywide ban on it, shut down late last month after reaching a legal settlement with the city.

20 After 4’s owner John Stoehr declined to comment to The Daily News. The shop issued a statement on its website saying the closure is temporary, and the owners will be strongly advocating for changes to the Woodland zoning laws that prohibit the retail sale of marijuana.

“The last day our store will be open will be August 31, 2023, unless you vote this could be permanent!” the statement says. “We have tried all the avenues we could to stay open. However, due to decisons (sic) of current City Council members, we will not be able to stay open.”

20 After 4 started selling marijuana in 2021 and was issued a notice of violation, where the city threatened to lien the property and file an injunction, said Woodland Community Development Director Travis Goddard.

The store opted to accept a $275 daily fine from the city — $250 for not having a city business license, and $25 for violating the zoning code, Goddard said. That would equate to nearly $2,000 a week, $8,200 a month and $100,000 a year.

For months, the situation became a cycle of the city doling out fines, 20 After 4 paying off those fines at the end of each month, just for the city to fine it again the following month and threaten to seize the property. An attempt last year to change the zoning laws failed to get approved by the council, Goddard said.

Eventually, the two entities went the litigation route because of “continued noncompliance,” which 20 After 4 appealed. A settlement was reached this summer in which the shop agreed to close, Goddard said.

Stoehr said a nondisclosure agreement prevented him from speaking more on the issue. Goddard said he could not say whether the city signed a nondisclosure agreement with Stoehr.

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