Argentinian Government To Roll Back Medical Cannabis Program—300K Patients At Risk, Experts Warn: Legal Battle Ahead?

Argentinian Government To Roll Back Medical Cannabis Program—300K Patients At Risk, Experts Warn: Legal Battle Ahead?

One day after Bullrich's announcement, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni tempered the government's stance, stating that REPROCANN would not be abolished outright but rather "reformulated." 


Speaking at a press briefing, Adorni acknowledged that the program had deviated from its original purpose of providing cannabis to patients in need but assured that the decision "has nothing to do with shutting it down or doing anything that would complicate things in medicinal terms."

Despite this softer rhetoric, contradictions within the government remain evident. While Adorni attempted to soften Bullrich's hardline approach, he did not refute her claims of alleged diversion to the black market, despite the lack of supporting data. The conflicting messages have only fueled uncertainty in the cannabis industry and among patients.


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