Scientists discover Cannabis inside totally different plant in Brazil

CBD Found in a Common Plant in Brazil - Scientists Explore Alternative Sources.
Scientists have found cannabidiol, a compound in cannabis known as CBD, in a very common plant in Brazil, which further opens new avenues for producing the popular substance through other sources.
Cannabidiol was found by a team of scientists in the flowers and fruits of a plant called Trema micrantha blume, which is a shrub that grows across much of the South American country and is often identified as weed, said Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's molecular biologist Rodrigo Moura Neto, while speaking to AFP.
CBD, which is used increasingly by some for treating conditions related to chronic pain, epilepsy and anxiety, is one of the main active compounds found in cannabis, along with THC or tetrahydrocannabinol - which is the substance that gives a high to the users.
The effectiveness of the compound as a medical treatment is still being researched. Neto stated that in the chemical analysis, they found CBD in "Trema" but could not find THC, which increased the possibility of finding multiple new sources of the former - which is not likely to face the legal and regulatory hurdles of cannabis and continues to remain outlawed in various places, which includes Brazil.
CBD - a legal alternative to cannabis?
"It's a legal alternative to using cannabis," he stated. "This is a plant that grows all over Brazil. It would be a simpler and cheaper source of cannabidiol," he added. Previously, CBD was found by scientists in a related plant in Thailand, he stated.
Neto, who has not published his discoveries anywhere as of yet, said that he has now been planning to scale up his study to find out the best methods for extracting CBD from "Trema" and observe how effective it is in patients, who are suffering from conditions which are currently treated using medical cannabis.
Recently, his team clinched a 500,000-real (US$104,000) grant which was provided by the Brazilian government for funding the research. As per Neto, the research will take at least five years to complete.
Last year, a study carried out by market analysis firm Vantage Market Research estimated that the CBD's global market is at nearly US$5 billion, and stated that it is likely to increase to more than US$47 billion by 2028, especially because of its growing health and wellness use.